Gradescope Update

Please see the following updates about Gradescope and forward to anyone who may be interested.


  • now available
    • Western members now have access to, an instance of the Gradescope service hosted in a Canadian data centre
    • We recommend that all new courses use this URL instead of to keep student data stored in Canada
    • Note that the two URLs are completely separate instances of the Gradescope service
      • Existing users will not see their old courses on, but can continue to access them through


  • Gradescope integration with OWL
    • Instructors now have the option of having a Gradescope integration added to their OWL sites
    • Once added to an OWL site:
      • Instructors and students will be able to access Gradescope through OWL
      • There is no need for students to create a separate Gradescope account or log in through a separate page
      • The OWL class roster will be synchronized between the OWL course site and Gradescope
    • Currently, grades cannot be automatically synchronized between Gradescope and OWL
      • For the Fall term, instructors will need to continue exporting grades from Gradescope and importing them into the OWL Gradebook
      • WTS is working on grade synchronization and have indicated it may be available in the Winter term
    • Instructors who wish to have Gradescope added to their OWL site must request it through the WTS Helpdesk


Jeff Shantz

Manager, Science Technology Services
Faculty of Science
Western University
Western Science Centre 140